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Wellbeing Newsletter Summer 2022

Team Wellbeing

Hello 🙂
It has almost been a year since we moved the clinic to Blisworth Hill Farm. It has been an exciting and challenging time for all of us. We wanted to thank you all for your support through the past 6 years. We survived the pandemic, numerous road works, a wasps nest in the clinic and an ever changing World. There has never been a dull moment in here.

Covid has affected not only the way we work, but created an avalanche of last minute cancellations, but we have never charged any fees to our patients for this. Now this virus is no longer such a deadly threat we would like to ask you all to kindly give us a minimum of 24 hours notice for cancellations, to allow other patients to book these limited spaces, or a late cancelation fee of £20 will apply as per our T&C.

As from the 1st of October 2022 we will be revising our prices, and after careful consideration and market research we will be charging £43 for regular Chiropractic appointments, £60 for Initial Consultation and Examination  (Day1 and Day 2 Examination /Report of Findings and Treatment) for New Patients and £53 for Re-exams and Re-activations (those who didn’t come to see us in the past 12 months).

Now there is still time to lock in those old prices by booking in a check up, buying a Treatment Plan or signing up to our new Chiropractic Silver (£38) and Gold (£74) Membership Options .

Ask us about the details during your next visit, call us on 01604 422488 or email [email protected]

We would like to kindly remind you that Initial and Wellbeing Treatment Plans are valid for 2 years only.
Online Booking – We now have online booking available for our current and new patients, this allows you to book either a regular Chiropractic, Laser or Massage appointment even outside of the clinic opening hours, and allow Magda and Dave to stop using their mobile phones for bookings.

You can do this by looking on our website at : www.wellbeing-chiropractic.co.uk at the bottom of each page we have ‘book appointment’ button, it is a very easy process but please follow this link to learn how to book online using our clinic software called ‘Janeapp’: https://bit.ly/3zxcoOQ

Please note, if you have not been to see us for more than 12 months, then you will need to have a re-activation appointment, this takes approx. 30mins, so please book yourself as a new patient and we will change your appointment to re-activation which is currently not available online.

Just a reminder we also offer Wellbeing Deep Tissue Massage & LightForce Laser (Deep Tissue pain relief) Therapy alongside Chiropractic.

Some helpful information about the laser:

Lightforce Laser Therapy – if you are looking for the very latest in pain relief which has been proven by independent studies, then look no further, we have the new XPi Lightforce Class 4 Laser, which is effective for a broad range of issues such as plantar fasciitis, tennis elbow, neck pain, back pain, sports injuries, muscle, ligament, and tendon injuries, due to the fact this device is capable of working from as low as 0.5 Watts up to a maximum of 25 Watts. This allows us to treat the affected area accordingly with the correct setting, this is a smart device that uses the persons height, weight, skin tone and chronicity of the issues to select the correct power and time required to get the best results.
Further studies are being carried out all the time on the effectiveness of Class 4 laser therapy, this is fast becoming a popular option for anyone looking at an alternative way to reduce pain and speed up the healing process.
At Wellbeing Chiropractic Health Centre, we have the only Class 4 Laser machine available in the 3 counties! This machine is used by Premiership Football and Rugby clubs, also Professional Athletes who need to recover quickly from injuries and be able to perform at the highest level. We believe this therapy should also be available to everyone, at an affordable price, so they too can be pain free and get back to living their life and doing the daily activities they enjoy most of all.

Don’t forget about our famous Wellbeing Deep Tissue Massage – Can help you relieve everyday stress, helping relaxation, aiding sleep, and promoting a sense of well-being.
This massage has been specifically designed to re-align the deep layers of your muscles and connective tissue, this is done by applying pressure (by hand) to the areas of the back, neck, pelvis, and legs, which will gradually release muscle tension,
Deep tissue massage is much more remedial than regular massage, there is significantly more pressure applied, but our therapists will work with you to make sure you are comfortable with the massage, we only use natural high quality massage waxes.

Healthy tip this summer! Start your day with this tasty and nutritious smoothie.

Here are a few ideas of how to make a quick, healthy, nutritious breakfast in only a few minutes. We are talking about a breakfast smoothie, we are sure this conjures up images of either a thick milkshake or a horrible tasting green drink, but we mean a proper breakfast smoothie with fresh unprocessed fruit and vegetables which can help you to stay fuller for longer between meals, and this is a great alterative to a slice of toast or sugary cereal.
This is not an exhaustive list, think of it as a guide as to the ingredients I prefer to use, I hope this will inspire you to get creative:
•    Healthy Fats: Think of adding nut butter, coconut milk, flaxseeds or chia seeds, this can help to make the smoothie thicker and more satisfying, therefore you feel fuller for longer, this will keep you from snacking until lunchtime, we usually add about 1 tablespoon, but this is dependent on your taste.
•    Protein: We prefer to use a good quality Vegan protein powder, usually chocolate or vanilla, but you can use Whey protein or whatever protein you prefer and whatever flavour, just do your research and look at the ingredients, you should have a good quality protein with low sugar, little or even no additional fillers. If the protein is unflavoured you can add Coconut yoghurt or Greek yoghurt, also a tablespoon of rolled oats is a good way to add fibre.
•    Fruit: Adding fruit is what makes the smoothie, we always have Blueberries, and a Banana, using fruit can hide the taste of green vegetables if you do not like them too much, you can also use other fruits such as mango, pineapple, apples or watermelon.
•    Vegetables: Spinach, kale and avocado are our daily choices, you can also use carrots, cucumber or beetroot, mix up the vegetables and see what works best for you. We always try to have a larger ratio of vegetables compared to fruit.
•    Flavour: Vanilla, raw cacao, cinnamon, honey are all good additions to boost the flavour.
•    Liquid: We use either 400ml of water or an unsweetened oat milk, with a handful of ice cubes, but you can also use coconut water or regular milk.
This is all mixed up using a food blender for approx. 10-15 seconds, and then it is ready to drink, if you are in a rush then pour it into a sealed container and take it with you to work.
So, there you have it, a quick and easy breakfast that should see you through your morning, if you add the right ingredients, you will have all the essential vitamins to boost your immunity.

Reminder of our opening times:
Monday : 2:30pm – 6:45pm
Tuesday : 9:00am – 1pm
Wednesday: 9am – 1:00pm  and 3:00pm – 6:45pm
Thurdsday: 12:30 – 6:45pm

Stay cool during those hot days of the rest of the Summer and speak to you soon.

Yours with health and wellbeing
Dave, Magda, Lisa, Julia and Prince.

Wellbeing Chiropractic Health Centre 
01604 422488
[email protected]

Wellbeing Newsletter Summer 2022

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