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New Year Fitness Goals


Written by Sam Dunn  Sports Massage Therapist BSc Sport & Exercise Science, MSc Strength and Conditioning

Every January many people will plan to get back into shape or ramp up their fitness regime to try and improve their health and wellbeing. As commendable as this is, it often leads to a short burst of commitment and unsustainable activity, resulting in either burnout or injury. (If this already sounds familiar and you’ve experienced pain or injury in your new year training, then look no further and book your sports massage treatment with us to help you get back on track!)

Luckily, there are a couple of considerations we can make to help us achieve our new year fitness goals and help to prevent any injuries. Primarily, a sustainable and longer-term approach is key, where we slowly ramp up our exercise in a safe and manageable way, as opposed to 0 to 100% overnight approach, which puts a stress on the body that cannot be sustained.

The other consideration is to make sure we give our bodies the rest and recovery it needs. This is so often overlooked, but it really is an important part of the puzzle, because it’s only during rest periods that the body adapts to the training and starts to recover and become stronger. So, make sure to add in those rest days to give our body the time it needs to recover.

But why stop there…

As you may have read from previous posts, the treatments offered here at the Wellbeing Chiropractic Health Centre can actually help you in your recovery and could help your body’s natural response to exercise and therefore accentuate those positive gains. In particular, a regular Deep Tissue or Sports Massage alongside your training schedule can really help you in your long term fitness goals.

So, if you’re looking to ramp up your physical activity in 2023, don’t forget to give your body the rest and recovery it needs. And if you really want to give yourself the best chance of success, don’t hesitate and book your regular massage! You can book online on our website http://www.wellbeing-chiropractic.co.uk or call us on 01604 422488.

New Year Fitness Goals

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