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My New Year Dreams…

Team Wellbeing

By Magda Ballentine M Chiro, M Sports Science, CCEP.

So, I have been thinking why we all eat so much in December, then start dieting in January? Why are we excused to be unhealthy for one month? And I could not come up with an answer.

We are the creatures of habits; the media is bombarding us with so much negativity, fear and whatever they decide is the next new thing for us to worry about. So, my dream for 2023 is can we please promote a healthier lifestyle?

Can we encourage movement, regular exercise, eating healthier foods? Do we really need a dessert after every dinner? Do we need that much gluten in our lives? Can we reduce the amount of sugar in our diet? Can we check our spine on regular basis?

We need to talk about it more openly, we need to make healthy fashionable in 2023. Seeing someone with an upright posture looks better than someone slouching don’t you think? Having healthy skin looks radiant right? Healthy teeth just look great, our hair if it’s smooth and shiny don’t we all want that? Then why don’t we help our bodies to feel and look good? We can all have some sort of procedure that might temporarily help you look better, but nobody is willing to consistently and slowly make small changes in their lives to be HEALTHIER.….and then stick to it?

Let’s create good and healthy habits, then promote them in your home. It could be that one extra portion of vegetables a day? One more bottle of water, one more exercise routine per week? One more walk? Or just one more good book that will teach you something new. Stay positive, take care of your body and your mind, and share that passion.

As chiropractors we know that when your spine is functioning well, your body is releasing more endorphins and you just feel happier, so for us spinal health is crucial, but nobody tells you this, unless you research for yourself. Let’s spread the love, tell others, and give them a chance to feel-good, improve their posture and be healthier.

We all have tight neck and shoulder muscles from time to time, so why don’t you receive massages to help your body relax?

Here at Wellbeing Chiropractic Health Centre, we have all the treatments you need for your backpain, muscular issues and sports injuries.

We will encourage you to change your lifestyle. Advise on supplements and show you some exercises on our Facebook, Instagram and Tiktok account, but it is YOU who must make an effort to take our advice on board and change your bad habits, step by step, into good healthy habits.

Here’s to 2023…let’s make it a good one!

My New Year Dreams…

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