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Sports massage

Written by Sam Dunn Sports Massage Therapist

Hi everyone, my name is Sam and I’ve recently started working as a Massage Therapist at Wellbeing Chiropractic Health Centre. I come from a sporting background and I’m keen to talk to you about the benefits of Massage Therapy.

Most people will be familiar with Massage as a strategy that can help relieve some of the pain or tension, by increasing the blood circulation in areas of the body. As much as this is true, it can often be forgotten that it could also be just as effective to help with athletic performance too, as it can help to maintain optimal muscular function, help to improve flexibility and ease pain from DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness), which in turn can help you to perform at your best, and this is what primarily encouraged me to pursue a career as a Massage Therapist.

Together with regular exercises, massage can be a great therapy to maintain sporting performance. At the simplest level, a Deep Tissue Massage or a Sports Massage (which is specific to one area of the body) would reset and realign your muscles to help your body recover, and subsequently remain fresher and more able to continue training and performing at your peak. Even for myself, I find that a regular Deep Tissue Massage really helps me to recover and perform at my best on the football pitch, and allows me to stay active in the gym without injury or pain, whereas Sports Massage can help me with more specific injuries that happen quite often on the field.

Now, I know that I’ve spoken a lot about sporting performance, but when I talk about using massage to optimise performance, I don’t exclusively mean it’s only beneficial for a sportsperson. Massage can help to optimise your performance in sport, physical activity or help you improve your general wellbeing. The ability to recover is vital if you want to maximise your daily output, and a regular maintenance massage can really help with this.

So, whilst many people will think a massage is only necessary when you have severe pain or injury, it can be just as beneficial to include regular massage in your wellbeing routine as a maintenance or a preventative strategy.

Here at the Wellbeing Chiropractic Health Centre, we are now really pleased to offer Sports Massage. This allows us to help those who may be needing a more specific treatment by offering Sports Massage, we also have Chiropractic and Deep Tissue Massage, don’t forget that additionally we can offer fantastic Lightforce Laser Therapy treatment for those who are dealing with acute or chronic injuries!


Massage really can help anyone, and if you’d like to give it a try, then I would urge you to go ahead and book your appointment now…

You can either book online at our website www.wellbeing-chiropractic.co.uk or call us on 01604 422488.




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