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Do I Need A Massage?

Do I Need A Massage?

People generally think Massage is a luxury, an indulgence that you treat yourself to once a year or on a special occasion, however this type of therapy has many amazing benefits and should be incorporated regularly into your lifestyle if you want to achieve overall wellbeing.

Our bodies change with time, many factors have an effect such as poor posture, lack of activity, general ‘wear & tear’ trauma because your brain is constantly sending/receiving signals from your muscles, any stress be it physical or mental can cause a chain reaction which makes your muscles tense up, and with the current health issues affecting the world, this has caused even greater stress.

Many people struggle to sit up straight without slouching, this is termed ‘text neck’ and can cause Headaches, I’m sure we all find ourselves spending way too much time looking at a phone or laptop, leaning forward, head in front of the shoulders, which causes additional strain on the neck, shoulder, and upper back muscles.

Although our mobile phones allow us to access an abundance of data 24/7, we are literally overloaded with information, this stimulates the nervous system and can cause subconscious stress, a lot of people really struggle to switch off and relax. These days we have constant news and negative images can cause stress, although you think by sitting on the sofa and scrolling through your phone is your ‘me time’ unfortunately this is not doing you as much good as you might think, you would be better off setting aside some time to meditate, exercise, stretch or read a book.

If you look at other countries, Thailand for example, massage is embedded in their culture, they understand the benefits of this therapy on the mind and body, but here in the UK we have not yet embraced massage in the same way.

We live in a time where we can all find information about wellbeing and how to improve your mind and body in a few easy steps…..but we have to make our own informed choices regardless of the latest trends or what other people tell us we should be doing, it is ultimately your decision how you take care of your own health, so don’t you think it’s time you did something good for your body?

In 2022 why not start creating your own new healthy lifestyle by making small changes every day, by this I mean small manageable changes you will stick too and not give up after a few days, such as eating a bit healthier, exercising a little more, drinking more water, drinking less alcohol, relaxing, having regular massage treatments. If you do this regularly and make it a habit then over the coming months you will see amazing changes in the way you feel…..remember all of these things are REALLY easy to do….but at the same time they are also very easy NOT to do…..therefore it is up to you, time to make a decision on the way you want to live your life.

If you need more help, then you can reach out to us, our practice is located in Blisworth Hill Farm, NN7 3DB and we offer a variety of bespoke treatments tailored to your needs.

Written by

Magda Ballentine MChiro & Dave Ballentine MChiro


Do I Need A Massage?

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