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Beat back Pain with Chiropractic Wellness Care

back pain

With Chiropractic care, regular maintenance check-ups offer a great range of benefits for individuals seeking to maintain their overall health and wellbeing for the long term.

Chiropractic care typically progresses through 3 distinct stages for optimal results.

Stage 1 – which spans approximately 6 weeks dependant on your presenting condition, the focus is to provide you with pain relief and correct any underlying issues.

Stage 2 – the emphasis shifts towards strengthening and stabilising the affected areas.

After completing Stage 2 we recommend Stage 3  (Wellness Care), regular monthly visits which can significantly extend the benefits of treatment and support your journey towards achieving optimum wellness. Consistent monitoring of spinal alignment during these visits not only reduces the risk of injuries, but also plays a crucial role in maintaining good posture, enhancing flexibility, and boosting energy levels.

Regular check-ups enable our chiropractors to detect and address any emerging concerns before they escalate. They promote long-term health and prevent the onset of chronic conditions. Furthermore, sustained chiropractic care has been shown to improve posture, alleviate stress, and enhance overall nervous system function, ultimately contributing to a higher quality of life.

How do we know that Chiropractic care is so beneficial? We follow Dr Heidi Haavik, through her groundbreaking research has proven that when a Chiropractor adjusts a disrupted segment of the spine (we call it a ‘subluxation’) this changes the way the brain processes what is going on in our body. Thanks to that change we can more effectively process all sensory information and enhance our body’s control.

Dr Haavik also stated that: ‘Based on this study, when we adjust subluxations, we improve strength, we prevent fatigue, and we change the way the brain drives our muscles’

Here at Wellbeing Chiropractic Health Centre, we are excited to announce that our advanced digital x-ray is now installed.  We will soon be able to add ‘Corrective Chiropractic Care’ to our services. Based on x-ray results we will be able to plan more advanced corrective care plans. Which will be even more beneficial to those who wish to improve their spinal function and invest in their future health. More information will be available in due course.


If you would like to learn more about how Chiropractic works, then simply book your Initial Consultation and Examination (Day 1) followed by Day 2 Report of Findings online at www.wellbeing-chiropractic.co.uk or call us on 01604 422488

Wellbeing Chiropractic Health Centre is located at 28 Harborough Road, Kingsthorpe, Northampton, NN2 7AZ.


Photo by Zayceva Tatiana.

Beat back Pain with Chiropractic Wellness Care

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