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Back Pain

Your first chiropractic visit: what to expect.

Written by Magda Ballentine MChiro M Sports Science CCEP Booking your Initial Chiropractic visit at Wellbeing Chiropractic Health Centre can be made online or via phone. Please bear in mind that you will be required to attend two separate 20 min visits. If you book your first Initial Consultation and Examination online, we will then…

Jak wygląda pierwsza wizyta u Chiropraktora/ Doctor of Chiropractic.

Artykul napisany przez Magde Ballentine MChiro Mgr Wychowania Fizycznego , ITEC, CCEP.   Witamy w Wellbeing Chiropractic Health Centre, jeżeli zastanawiacie się jak będzie przebiegać pierwsza część chiropraktycznej podróży to już tłumaczę: Najpierw poprosimy Was o zapisanie sie online lub przez recepcje na ‘Initial Consultation and Examination’ Dzien 1 oraz na ‘Report of Findings’ Dzien…

Wellbeing Chiropractic Video Testimonial – Nikki Marshall

Nikki Marshall has been coming to Wellbeing Chiropractic for almost a year, here is her story so far: Nikki ‘s husband, a personal trainer, recommended she came to the clinic, here is what Nikki has to say about her experience with us: “I used to have a really severe back problem, where I was constantly…

Do You Suffer From Sciatica?

Do you suffer from Sciatica? If yes, do you know what this actually means? By Dave Ballentine – Chiropractor at Wellbeing Chiropractic, Northampton. Sciatica is a general term given to any sort of pain or irritation of the sciatic nerve. This nerve originates in the Lumbar Vertebrae (Lower Back) and runs through the Pelvis, into…

Is your Christmas turning into Stress-mas?

Is your Christmas turning into Stress-mas? Written by Magda Bispo M(chiro) chiropractor at Wellbeing Chiropractic in Northampton. Have you ever felt pain in your back when putting up the Christmas tree? Or did you feel a twinge between your shoulders when wrapping all those presents or putting them under the tree? December is a very…

Lower Back Pain? You are not alone…

Do you suffer with Lower Back Pain? By Dave Ballentine (MChiro) – Chiropractor at Wellbeing Chiropractic. If the answer is Yes then you are one of the 2.5million people in the UK who suffer with Back Pain every day of the year (1) and it is estimated that approx. 60-80% of people will suffer with…

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