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Calling all Human Resource Managers in Northamptonshire

Written by Magda Ballentine MChiro M Sports Science CCEP   Are you working in Human Resources for a company in Northamptonshire? Do you have a lot of employees taking too many days off work due to either back pain, neck pain or headaches caused by poor posture? Are you are looking for a way to…


Written by Sam Dunn Sports Massage Therapist Hi everyone, my name is Sam and I’ve recently started working as a Massage Therapist at Wellbeing Chiropractic Health Centre. I come from a sporting background and I’m keen to talk to you about the benefits of Massage Therapy. Most people will be familiar with Massage as a…

What is a Free Spine check?

Written by Magda Ballentine M Chiro M Sports Science  ITEC Many of you might have heard of a Chiropractor, you might know someone who has Chiropractic care, but there are still a lot of people who have no idea what we do, and more importantly how we can help them. As a private healthcare practitioner,…

My New Year Dreams…

By Magda Ballentine M Chiro, M Sports Science, CCEP. So, I have been thinking why we all eat so much in December, then start dieting in January? Why are we excused to be unhealthy for one month? And I could not come up with an answer. We are the creatures of habits; the media is…

Winter Newsletter 2022

NEWSLETTER: WINTER 2022 Hello, this is our 2nd newsletter of 2022, what a busy year it has been, we celebrated our 1st anniversary in August since relocating to Blisworth Hill Farm, we are constantly trying to improve the services we offer, the support we have received from our patients and the positive feedback has been amazing, we Thank…

Best Christmas Gift!

By Magda Ballentine MChiro M Sport Science CCEP  Yes, it’s that time of the year, Christmas is quickly approaching, you are starting to panic because you need to think about buying the perfect Christmas present, and this time you will not leave it to the last minute…. like you did last year! Well, if you…

Your first chiropractic visit: what to expect.

Written by Magda Ballentine MChiro M Sports Science CCEP Booking your Initial Chiropractic visit at Wellbeing Chiropractic Health Centre can be made online or via phone. Please bear in mind that you will be required to attend two separate 20 min visits. If you book your first Initial Consultation and Examination online, we will then…

Jak wygląda pierwsza wizyta u Chiropraktora/ Doctor of Chiropractic.

Artykul napisany przez Magde Ballentine MChiro Mgr Wychowania Fizycznego , ITEC, CCEP.   Witamy w Wellbeing Chiropractic Health Centre, jeżeli zastanawiacie się jak będzie przebiegać pierwsza część chiropraktycznej podróży to już tłumaczę: Najpierw poprosimy Was o zapisanie sie online lub przez recepcje na ‘Initial Consultation and Examination’ Dzien 1 oraz na ‘Report of Findings’ Dzien…

Chiropraktyka czym jest, skad pochodzi I jak zostac wykwalifikowanym Doctor of Chiropractic

Artylkul napisany przez Magde Ballentine MChiro Mgr Wychowania Fizycznego, ITEC , CCEP. 125 lat temu w Ameryce pewien kowal, praktykant naturalnych metod leczenia magnetyzmem DD Palmer nastawił kręgosłup pewnemu budowniczemu, który miał na imię Harvey Lillardi i cierpiał na częściowy zanik słuchu. No i stał się ‚cud’ Harvey zaczął słyszeć. Wtedy DD Palmer zdał sobie sprawę,…

Walking your way to health.

By Dave Ballentine MChiro If you want to start regular exercise, then walking is probably not something you would consider as being your first choice? You are maybe planning to join a local gym, go cycling or running, practice Yoga? But walking is one of the easiest exercises you can do right now, which requires…

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